Reporting Research Animal Concerns

The University will ensure that individuals reporting perceived sub-standard care or noncompliant research animal use are protected in compliance with federal regulations and AAALAC guidelines, and prohibit discrimination against or reprisal for reporting violations of regulations or standards under the Animal Welfare Act.

If an animal adverse event, unanticipated outcome or injury has occured, please see our guidance on Reporting Adverse Events and Unexpected Outcomes and Injuries.

How Do I Report A Concern?

If you have concerns about research animals used in this study, you can contact any one of the following persons:

  • Dr. Harry Fyke, Attending Veterinarian, at 662-915-5324;
  • Dr. Bill Gurley, IACUC Chair, at 662-915-1005;
  • Dr. John Higginbotham, Institutional Official, at 662-915-7583.

You can also send your concerns via:

  • anonymous report using this form
  • campus mail to Dr. Fyke at B104 TCRC; or
  • regular mail to Dr. Fyke at the following address:

    Dr. Harry Fyke, Attending Veterinarian 
    The University of Mississippi 
    B-104 TCRC
    University, MS 38677

You may also submit through EthicsPoint here.


What Happens After A Concern Is Reported?

Your concerns will be sent by the contact person via e-mail and/or hard copy to the IACUC Chair. The IACUC Chair will present the Research Animal Concern Allegation to the IACUC Executive Committee (IEC) for review to determine whether there are sufficient grounds to warrant an investigation. IACUC members who are either whistleblowers or respondents will recuse themselves from all procedures. The IEC will inform the IACUC of all allegations. When the IEC determines that an investigation is warranted, the investigation will be assigned by the IACUC to the IEC, to an IACUC member or members, or to a combination of IEC and IACUC members. The IACUC will report verified concerns considered severe or continuing to the Institutional Official and to USDA and/or OLAW through the Institutional Official, if warranted.

Where Can I Find This Information?

To assure that institutional employees are aware of the process for reporting concerns, the procedures along with the name and contact information of the Atttending Veterinarian and IACUC Chair will be posted in the University’s animal facilities. This same information will be made available to outside sources via posting on the IACUC website.

Do I Have To Give My Name?

Your concerns may be submitted anonymously, in person, in writing, or electronically to the Attending Veterinarian (Dr. Harry Fyke), the IACUC Chair (Dr. Bill Gurley), or the Institutional Official (Dr. Greg Easson). At any time, an employee, student, or other observer may consult about research animal concerns and about reporting those concerns with any of these individuals. If you wish to be informed of the outcome of the investigation, you may provide your contact information.

The University of Mississippi
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Division of Research Integrity and Compliance

100 Barr Hall 
University MS 38677